Teflon Bellow Unbalanced Seal

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Teflon Bellow Unbalanced Seal are externally mounted Teflon bellow seal. It is mainly use to handle at corrosive media. Because the design of this seal elements the contact between metal parts of the seal and corrosive liquid which it handles. The seal contain PTFE + GFT composite bellows which is hydraulically balanced and is machined with high precision to form the prescribed contour.


Hardware : PTFE + GFT Composite
Seal Ring : GFT / CFT / SiC
Mating Ring : Ceramic / SiC
Secondary Seal : PTFE + GFT

Operating Limit

Pressure : Upto 5.9 kg/cm²
Temperature : -45°C to 120°C
Speed : Upto 3500 RPM

Salient Features

• Such type of seal does not affect on shaft or any other damage.
• No dynamic elastomer.
• Low maintenance.
• It has replaceable faces.

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